
Your ductwork allows your HVAC system to circulate cold or hot air throughout your commercial property. Leaks and other problems can impact efficiency, which is why you need to stay on top of maintenance. Here’s what to know about the primary parts of this system and when to schedule a commercial duct cleaning.

What Are the Main Components of a Commercial Duct System?

1. Air Handler

The air handler contains the heating and cooling elements that treat incoming air and the blower that drives it into the duct system. It can be located indoors or outdoors.

commercial duct cleaningCommercial duct cleaning is required to keep dirt and debris from building up on parts and connections. Regular maintenance will sustain efficiency and prevent breakdowns.

2. Dampers & Fittings

These components regulate airflow in the system. Dampers can be opened or closed to determine how much air passes through—essential for ensuring a building isn’t overly heated or cooled, which wastes money. They also create a seal when smoke is detected.

A series of reducers, ells, and tees are used at duct connections and transition points. These control the air pressure in the ducts and help air flow evenly from large ducts into small ones.

3. Outlets

Outlets are the points where airflow is either directed to new ducts or released into the building. There are several release types. Square diffusers are mounted on the ceiling and direct air down and throughout the room.

Grilles and registers are small grates that cover duct exits on the floors and walls. Most feature blades you can rotate to project air in a specific direction.

Output components often include air filters to capture dust and debris. Replace these every few weeks so that they don’t clog and restrict airflow.


Commercial duct cleaning keeps your system functioning smoothly. Air Pro Duct Cleaning of Columbia Falls, MT, provides comprehensive air duct and dryer vent cleaning to improve air quality and eliminate fire risks. Explore their services on their website, or call (406) 752-0652 to schedule a commercial duct cleaning.
