
Throughout the year, dust and dirt can build up in your heating system even when it’s not being used, clogging valves, decreasing efficiency, and increasing the likelihood of safety issues. Soot and other debris often accumulate on several components within a furnace, so it’s wise to schedule an annual cleaning by a skilled technician. Here’s a closer look at the parts a professional will refresh during an inspection.

4 Furnace Parts That Often Get Dirty

1. Burners

Soot gradually accumulates on the burners, preventing the flames from burning evenly. Since this may cause your furnace to come on more frequently, this can significantly reduce the efficiency of your entire system and drive up your energy bills.

Safety is an even more important element of this furnace part. Incomplete burning may also increase levels of carbon dioxide, a dangerous gas that can have serious health consequences for your family.

2. Blower Motor

The motor that pushes air through your system is full of belts, pulleys, fans, and other moving parts. Dirt buildup in this vital component may cause increased motor wear and degrade these smaller components, resulting in more frequent breakdowns and lower efficiency.

3. Air Filter

heatingThe air filter keeps pollen, dust, and other debris out of the system, thus maintaining the cleanliness of your indoor air. Dirty air filters restrict airflow to the motor and allow dirt to accumulate on parts and components throughout the system. Heating techs recommend replacing this filter at the beginning of the season and checking on it once a month throughout the winter, especially if you have shedding pets.

4. Ignition System

Whether your heating system has a pilot light or a modern electronic ignition, accumulated debris can keep the system from cycling up effectively. In severe cases, dirt and residue can keep your furnace from turning on at all, no matter how cold it gets.


With over 100 years of combined experience, Superior Residential Services has the expertise to keep your heating system running throughout the North Carolina winter. They offer 24/7 emergency repairs and routine maintenance to homeowners throughout the Archdale area, always going above and beyond to deliver the quality you expect. Visit their website for more on their heating services or call (336) 861-5911 to make an appointment today.
