
Concrete from a reliable aggregate distributor can be used in a variety of projects, from residential paths to commercial foundations. The material doesn’t set well in cold weather, but you can be proactive to prevent it from losing strength or curing improperly. Review the following tips before contacting your aggregate distributor.

How to Use Concrete in Cold Weather

1. Check for Freezing Temperatures

Curing concrete in the cold takes longer than usual but can actually make a stronger surface capable of withstanding high pressure. However, if the temperature falls below freezing early in the curing stage, the project will be ruined.

Beyond construction aggregate and filler materials, concrete mixes also have moisture in them. If the water freezes before the substance can cure, the chemical bond is ruined, leading to cracking, breaking, and disintegration.

Always check the weather before starting a new project. Postpone construction if the forecast shows temperatures below 32 degrees. 

2. Block the Wind

aggregate distributorEvaporation needs to happen at a steady rate for concrete to cure properly. Wind — especially when it’s cold and dry — will pull the moisture from the concrete before the bond is solidified.

This results in the same problem as when the water freezes: weak, unusable concrete. Setting up items around the site to block the wind can prevent rapid evaporation.

3. Heat It Up

Consider using electric blankets and space heaters to warm the site before you pour the concrete. Once the substance is poured, cover it with electric blankets. You may also want to add space heaters and set up an enclosure to hold the heat in.

These actions will prevent the moisture from freezing if temperatures drop overnight. It can also give the cure time a boost and ensure your project stays on track. 


If you need a reliable aggregate distributor to complete a concrete construction project, rely on Manchester Aggregate Supply in Hartford County, CT. With over 40 years of experience, they provide quality ready-mix concrete for residential and commercial projects. They have a vast inventory and will deliver to your site. Learn more about their services online, or call (860) 643-5578 to place an order.
