
Inside your heat pump is a liquid called refrigerant. To change the temperature inside your home, it absorbs heat and turns into a gas, and then cools off and condenses back into a liquid. If there isn’t enough refrigerant in the heating system, it will cease to work properly. Here are some red flags that indicate the need for a refrigerant refill.

How to Tell if Your Heat Pump Needs More Refrigerant

1. Inefficient Output

If your home isn’t getting as warm as it used to during the winter or as cool as it should in the summer, there might not be enough refrigerant in your heat pump. For example, you might feel like you need to crank the thermostat to get your desired temperature, or you may only feel comfortable in a few select rooms. Once more refrigerant is added, it won’t take as long for your home to reach the temperature on the thermostat, and you may also notice lower utility bills.

2. Strange Noises

heat pumpSimilar to the sound a straw makes when a glass is near-empty, your heat pump may produce a gurgling noise when the refrigerant supply is low. This is caused by air bubbles that have taken the place of the missing coolant. Pay attention to whether the sound gets louder as you get closer to your heat pump—this is a clear sign it needs a refill.

3. Iced Coils

The refrigerant carries temperature back and forth from outside to inside, changing from a liquid to a gas. If there isn’t enough, the evaporator coil won’t be able to absorb heat.

Eventually, it will freeze, and you might even see ice crystals forming on the outside of the coil. Trying to thaw out the coil or scrape off the ice won’t solve the root of the problem—a lack of refrigerant. Another sign of this issue is a puddle of water beneath the evaporator coil from ice crystals that have melted.


If you suspect you need a refrigerant refill, contact Gulf Coast HVAC of Foley, AL. This contractor can assess your heat pump’s problems and offer the necessary repairs, including sealing leaks and replenishing refrigerant. Thanks to their 24/7 emergency services, you’ll never have to wait long for your comfort to be restored. To learn more about their skills, visit their website, or call (251) 955-1054 to schedule an appointment.
