
Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is a condition that not only affects adults but can also be common among children. As a parent, you must understand the causes of bad breath to work with your child’s pediatric dentist to keep it under control. Here’s some helpful information to know about halitosis in children. 

Common Causes of Halitosis in Kids

If a child doesn’t thoroughly brush and floss their teeth every day, lingering food particles and bacteria can cause a foul odor in the mouth. In more extreme cases, gum disease can develop and provide deeper pockets for oral bacteria to hide in, contributing to bad breath in your child.

Some medical conditions can have halitosis as a symptom. During a sinus infection, fluid can gather around your child’s nasal passages and throat and cause bacteria to accumulate, which can produce an unpleasant smell in their mouth. If your child’s tonsils are swollen and red, bacteria can accumulate in the pits.

What your child consumes will also affect their breath. If your child has dry mouth, whether from medications or not drinking enough water, they won’t produce enough saliva to wash away odor-causing bacteria. While protein can provide many health benefits for your child, too much of it causes the body to break down ammonia, which can cause halitosis. 

How to Prevent Halitosis in Children

pediatric dentistEncourage proper oral hygiene habits. Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and floss once a day. Using mouthwash afterward will also wash away leftover food debris and bacteria.

If your child is currently taking medications that cause dry mouth, have them drink more water throughout the day to offset decreased saliva flow.

When to Take Your Child to the Pediatric Dentist

If your child continues to have halitosis after improving their oral hygiene habits, make an appointment with their pediatric dentist. If your child’s bad breath is accompanied by gum inflammation and bleeding, they may have gum disease and require prompt treatment.

If the dentist can’t find anything wrong with your child’s teeth or gums, they may refer you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist to explore other causes of halitosis. 


If your child has bad breath, turn to the professionals at Discovery Dental in Eagle River, AK. These pediatric dentists have provided dental care to children and teenagers since 2013, from routine teeth cleanings to fluoride treatments, and know how to make nervous patients feel comfortable. For more information about their services, visit their website, or call (907) 622-5437 to make an appointment.
