
As a result of the pandemic, more people are working from home than ever. While remote work allows you to be comfortable, some people find it difficult to stay motivated. If you’re having trouble adjusting to this new life transition, the suggestions below might help.

How to Prevent Procrastination While Working Remotely

1. Create a Dedicated Work Space

If you have a spare bedroom or den, turn it into a small home office. You can also use a corner of your bedroom or living room if you live in an apartment. Just make sure the spot is comfortable and that you have everything you need nearby, including your laptop and charger. Working in an area designed solely for your work can help minimize distractions around your house.

2. Use White Noise

life transitionWhether it’s a barking dog or outside construction, it’s hard to get away from distracting sounds when you’re working from home. Loud noises can disturb even the most focused workers, causing them to lose their train of thought and delay projects until things quiet down. If this keeps happening to you, invest in a good pair of headphones and listen to a free white noise app while you work. In addition to drowning out sounds, they can also keep you calm.

3. Take Breaks

When you begin to lose focus, it’s okay to take a minute to walk around, stretch, or fix yourself a quick snack. When you allow your brain to disconnect from your work briefly, you will return a few minutes later feeling refreshed and refocused. This technique is helpful for other life transitions and tasks as well, such as packing for a move or paying bills. 


For more tips on avoiding procrastination and boosting your productivity while working from home, get in touch with Audrey Berger, Ph.D., of Turning Point Life Coaching. Based in Rochester, NY, this certified psychologist and life coach has nearly 40 years of experience helping clients improve their lives and get through life transitions. She offers sessions over the phone, online, and in person. Visit her website to learn more or call (585) 292-0095 to set up an appointment today. 
