
If you have missing or damaged teeth, your dentist may recommend dental implants as a solution to restore your smile. Providing a natural feel, this long-term fix has gained popularity over other approaches for solving dental troubles. Below is a guide for available options.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution for patients with missing or broken teeth as well as chronic dental issues. They contain artificial tooth roots, which ensure they feel and function like natural teeth. To achieve comfort, dentists will employ medical-grade titanium that fuses to the bone cells in the jaw, creating a durable anchor for the new teeth and preserving the bone to stimulate new growth.

Unlike dentures, there is no movement or issues eating, and repairs and replacements are typically unnecessary. Anything from one tooth or a full set can be implanted. The implant is a screw that essentially becomes the root of the new tooth and attaches to the jaw, while the abutment is a permanent support to keep teeth in place. The crown is the artificial tooth you can see above the gum line.


dental implantsTeethXpress is a cutting edge option in dental implants, providing immediate results and a new smile in a matter of hours. It’s affordable and secure, and it makes eating, smiling, and talking easy and natural. It eliminates the need for dietary limitations and other restrictions, particularly for chewing.

The procedure is comfortable, efficient, and tolerable. With either IV sedation or general anesthesia, the entire process is usually completed in about three hours, in contrast to conventional implants that can take months to complete. The benefits include no gum irritation or messy adhesives, and bone loss is curbed. Issues with facial structure can be remedied, and because eating a variety of foods is easy, health and wellness get a boost.

Mini Implants

When you don’t want invasive surgery, or you don’t have enough bone mass to hold convention implants in place, mini implants are an excellent choice. These are slightly smaller and feature a titanium post with a ball on the end and a socket. An O-ring attaches the tooth to the post. They can also secure loose or lower arch dentures.

Unlike regular implants that require at least two visits and other checkups, mini implants require one visit and no sutures. Healing time is shorter and results happen almost immediately. Care is easy—brush and floss as you would your natural teeth.


If you are interested in exploring dental implants in Manlius, NY, and surrounding areas, contact Revercomb Dental Group. Family-owned and -operated since 1974, the dentist has certifications in implant dentistry, as well as Invisalign® and advanced technologies for crowns. They offer emergency appointments, even after hours and on weekends. For an appointment, call (315) 682-8400. Visit them online for more on their cosmetic dentistry options.
