
As a commercial trucking business owner, you need to make a lot of investments to ensure your operation runs smoothly, from keeping vehicles on the road to training drivers and dispatchers. One investment you can’t overlook is a comprehensive commercial auto insurance policy. The following guide explains what this type of coverage might entail and why it’s a must for your company.

What’s Included in a Typical Commercial Trucking Insurance Policy?

The first factor to consider when building your policy is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s minimum requirements for commercial trucks. These thresholds vary depending on a few factors, such as the type of cargo being transported, the weight of the vehicle, and the fleet’s travel route. 

Beyond those basics, you should also consider investing in coverage for accidental damage to the driver, other parties, and the cargo on board. These aspects can usually be covered with liability insurance, uninsured motorist coverage, cargo insurance, and workers’ compensation coverage. 

Why Is a Commercial Trucking Policy Important?

insuranceAs a business owner, you likely understand the importance of protecting your bottom line. A viable insurance policy is designed to do just that. To start, without proper coverage, you could face fines or restrictions on travels from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which could put a halt on your profits. 

Commercial trucking policies also prevent you from having to pay out of pocket in the event of an accident. The cost to repair a damaged truck can be significant, as can be the expenses associated with medical bills, loss of income, or property damage if another driver or the trucker is injured. By paying a premium every month toward your policy, you ensure peace of mind that you’ll be safe from an unexpected financial strain. 


If you need to invest in a commercial trucking insurance policy, turn to the professionals at Seeman Holtz. Located in Boca Raton, FL, and serving clients throughout the country, this trusted firm is proud to offer a broad range of customizable policies designed to suit your unique needs. Visit them online to learn more about what they do and call (800) 991-3592 today to schedule a consultation.
