
Bonding is a simple but effective form of cosmetic dentistry with numerous applications. It's often used to restore damaged or discolored teeth. The bonding is customized to their shape, color, and direction to provide a seamless aesthetic. Known for being a quick procedure with instant results, many can benefit from bonding in a short time. 

What Is Bonding Used For?

Bonding is used in many situations, including the repair of cracked or chipped teeth. People with spaces between their teeth can have the bonding resin (a durable, putty-like plastic material) applied in the gaps to provide a uniform look. 

Even with dedicated care, teeth will discolor over time due to food, beverages, and attrition. Bonding is an effective treatment, restoring the bright smile you had before. 

When teeth grow in, they aren't always even. Many people have a tooth that's longer than the rest, which can affect chewing and self-confidence. A simple bonding procedure will lengthen the remaining teeth.

While primarily being used in cosmetic dentistry, bonding is also applied to repair cavities and decayed teeth. Composite resins fill the space, relieving discomfort and preventing damage to the teeth and gums that could lead to an infection. 

Dentists complete the procedure in a single visit, and it only takes between 30 and 60 minutes per tooth to apply the bonding. There is no discomfort involved, though dentists will use anesthesia if bonding is used to fill a cavity or a decayed tooth. They may also use it if the bonding requires teeth to be drilled, have their shape changed, or if the chip is near a nerve. 

What Happens During the Bonding Procedure? 

On the morning of the appointment, go about your standard dental regimen by brushing for two minutes and using mouthwash. 

Cosmetic DentistryOnce arriving, your dentist will produce a shade guide to match a composite resin with the same color as the tooth that needs bonding.

The process proceeds with the dentist roughening the surface of the tooth before applying a conditioning liquid. These two procedures ensure the bonding material adheres to the tooth. Then, the color-matched putty-like resin is used. The resin is molded and smoothed by the dentist to take the appropriate shape to look seamless next to the rest of your teeth. 

To harden the resin and make it more durable, your dentist will use a blue ultraviolet light or laser. Once hardened, they will make minor shaping and trimming tweaks before polishing the bonding to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth's enamel. 


With twice-yearly check-ups, your bonding will last for years. For the quality dental care you need, reach out to Family Dental Center in Chillicothe, OH. Patients benefit from their 40 years of experience and state-of-the-art technology and techniques while also providing a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. With their comprehensive services, you will regain and maintain the beautiful smile you deserve. For more information on their cosmetic dentistry options, visit their website. To schedule an appointment, call them at (740) 773-4066. 
