
Hip replacement surgery can restore mobility in those who are hindered by conditions like osteoarthritis. Because it’s a major procedure, though, it’s natural to be wary of the procedure. If doctors have said you’re a good candidate for a new hip but you’re still on the fence, these benefits should help you make an informed decision. 

How a Hip Replacement Benefits Your Health

1. Reduces Pain 

Living with a hip that’s damaged beyond repair can cause debilitating pain. Even the simplest activities like walking can be difficult to bear. Replacing the affected hip is the only way to ensure lasting relief without the need for powerful painkillers.

Thanks to advancements in medical science, recovering from the procedure is more streamlined than ever. Many patients are back on their feet—pain-free—in six to eight weeks. 

2. Restores Activity 

hip replacementOnce you’ve recovered from the surgery, your doctor should approve you for everything from walking and swimming to golfing and dancing. You may have to wait a few additional weeks to partake in especially strenuous activities like jogging or hiking, but you’ll eventually be able to do virtually everything with confidence and ease.

3. Prevents Disease

Because hip replacements allow patients to lead more active lifestyles, undergoing the procedure can reduce the risk of all kinds of diseases. As long as you take advantage of your restored mobility once you recover from the surgery, you may be able to reduce your risk of conditions like heart failure, diabetes, and depression as you age. 


If you want to explore hip replacement surgery because of an injury or degenerative disease, turn to the highly qualified team at Colquitt Regional Medical Center. Located in Moultrie, GA, this clinic’s staff is comprised of more than 60 physicians, who have more than 20 specialties. Founded in 1939, they’ve remained committed to implementing cutting-edge technologies in all departments ever since. To learn more about this clinic, visit their website or call (229) 985-3420. 
