
Your furnace keeps your home warm and cozy throughout the coldest months of the year. Routine maintenance ensures the unit can do so efficiently, saving you money and reducing the frequency of heating repairs. Here’s a closer look at how an annual checkup will benefit your household throughout many winters to come.

Why Is a Yearly Furnace Tuneup Necessary?

1. Promote Safety

Professional maintenance for your furnace includes a thorough cleaning of the burner and ignition system. Your technician will remove dirt and grime deposits to keep them from burning and causing fire hazards. Additionally, they’ll test the thermocouple, which is a device that shuts off the gas if the pilot light goes out, preventing carbon monoxide poisoning and explosions.

2. Reduce Energy Costs

Annual heating system maintenance includes replacing the air filter, measuring airflow, and inspecting the gas pressure. These tasks ensure the unit runs efficiently and doesn’t have to overwork to heat your home, which conserves energy and keeps your monthly utility bills to a minimum.  

3. Pay for Fewer Heating Repairs 

heating repairHaving your furnace cleaned and inspected once per year reduces the likelihood of breakdowns and repair issues. When the burner, heat exchanger, and ductwork remain in good condition, you won’t have to worry as much about going without heat on particularly frigid days or paying for replacement parts and labor. 

4. Enjoy a Longer Unit Life Span

Annual cleaning, testing, inspecting, and lubrication of internal components promote the overall performance of your furnace. These services prevent parts from deteriorating and may prolong the life span of the unit, helping you get the maximum value out of your investment.


Keep your furnace running smoothly throughout the cold season with help from the team at Service Air Eastern Shore Inc. They provide HVAC troubleshooting and heating repairs to clients throughout Silverhill, AL. Call (251) 990-8060 to report furnace problems and schedule a tuneup today. Visit the website to learn more about how they’ll keep your heating and air conditioning system fully functional all year long.
