
It’s natural to want to leave a great first impression during a date. However, wondering whether you have bad breath can make it difficult to relax. Although it could be attributed to something you ate during the meal, how often you go to the dentist and practice at-home care can also have an effect. To take comfort in knowing your breath is fresh, follow the advice below.

How to Curtail Bad Breath Before a Date

1. Brush Teeth While Getting Ready

In addition to taking a shower and getting dressed, brush and floss your teeth when preparing for a date. Gliding the waxy string between teeth and along the gum line will remove food particles and bacteria toothbrush bristles can’t dislodge. Brushing with a minty toothpaste will also remove stains and residue while giving your breath a pleasant aroma.

2. Cut Down on Alcohol

dentistIf you plan to drink alcoholic beverages on the date, limit your consumption to one or two drinks. Alcohol washes away the bacteria that neutralize another kind of bacteria that causes bad breath. It’s best to sip on water throughout the date, too. Remaining hydrated will prevent dry mouth, which causes bad breath.

3. Chew Gum

Buy a pack of gum at the drugstore on your way to the outing. Chewing gum causes saliva to form, which washes away the volatile sulfur compounds that cause lingering odors. Choose gums made with xylitol. In addition to a sweetener, the chemical compound has antibacterial properties to neutralize bacteria that leave behind offensive aromas.


To maintain fresh breath and a healthy, radiant smile, reach out to Elberta Dental. Serving clients in Elberta, Foley, Lillian, and the surrounding Baldwin County areas in Alabama, the dentist has over two decades of experience providing teeth whitening and cleaning, treatment for periodontal disease, and other procedures to curb the effects of bacteria buildup. Learn more about the dentist online, or call (251) 986-3500 to schedule an appointment. 
