
Garbage disposals are an excellent tool in any kitchen, helping to protect your septic system from damage or contamination by breaking down large foods, as well as preventing foul odors from foods sitting in the trash. However, to continue to enjoy this amenity, you need to ensure you use it properly. The following guide outlines some tips on what you should avoid to keep your septic tank in top-quality condition.

3 Garbage Disposal Habits That Harm Your Septic System

1. Improper Cleaning Routine

If unpleasant or foul odors are emanating from your garbage disposal, you might be tempted to treat the issue with generic kitchen cleaning products. However, the chemicals can disrupt the bacterial balance in your system, which could hinder the proper breakdown of waste.

Instead of using harsh cleaners or bleach in the garbage disposal, throw a few tablespoons of baking, some fresh citrus slices, and a couple of ice cubes down the drain. Then, turn the disposal on; this combination will help to remove stuck-on or built-up food particles without damaging your plumbing system. 

2. Flushing With Hot Water

septic systemFor most people, the go-to setting when using the kitchen sink is hot water, both for functionality and health purposes. However, when running the garbage disposal, hot water is problematic.

If you do this, any oils or fats still residing in the pipes could congeal and create clogs. Instead, opt to use cold water so the disposal can break down any items or products properly. 

3. Putting the Wrong Items Down the Drain

Certain foods, such as fibrous vegetables like potato, asparagus, and celery, are prone to getting tangled in garbage disposal blades. Over time, this can burn out the motor.

Other foods, like popcorn kernels and animal bones, could cause damage to the blades, as they are too hard to be broken down. Rather than throwing these items in the disposal, put them in the trash or use them to create a compost. 


If you need help keeping your garbage disposal in top-quality condition to protect your septic system, turn to the professionals at Reader Plumbing & Septic in Kaukauna, WI. Since 1973, these reputable plumbers have provided residents throughout the area with a broad range of effective services, from remodeling to septic tank maintenance. Call (920) 788-2527 to request a free estimate or visit them online to learn more. 
