
When you have expansive landscaping around your home, a riding mower is an efficient way to maintain the outdoor space. However, you want to ensure that you’re using this powerful machinery correctly so that the grass remains healthy and lush. Whether you’re a first-time user or an established owner, here’s how to get the most from your riding mower. 

How to Use a Riding Mower

1. Keep Blades Sharpened

Dull blades will produce uneven cuts and may cause grass to brown, wilt, and be susceptible to fungi and insects. Every four to six weeks, remove the mower’s cutting blades to wipe off clippings and other debris. Use either a hand file, bench grinder, or rotary tool to sharpen the edges.

2. Make Efficient Steering

riding mowerSteering will typically depend on whether it’s an automatic or manual riding mower. For automatic machinery, press the gas pedal to go forward. Manual versions require gear shifting for acceleration, going up and down slopes, and turning.

With both types of riding mowers, adjust the cutting height lever before starting. As you steer, activate the cutting blades. Steer in straight lines and then turn around and mow in the opposite direction while overlapping the edge of the last path. 

3. Use a Striping Kit

A striping kit allows you to create sharp, visually-appealing stripes in the grass. While some kits come with riding mowers, others may need to be purchased separately.

The kit contains a special roller device that carefully bends the grass during the mowing process. The outcome is a freshly-manicured lawn with natural light reflections on the grass blades. 

4. Keep Fluids Replenished

Before using your riding mower, always check the fuel and oil levels. Replenish to the recommended fill lines so that you don’t run out in the middle of mowing. Operating your mower on low fuel or dirty oil can also damage the motor and other components. 


By taking a few proactive measures, your riding mower will produce a beautiful and vibrant lawn. Gene & Matt Tractor Sales in Winder, GA, has been the region’s premier outlet for top-quality equipment since 1978. The locally-owned company is a Kubota® Elite dealer. They sell riding mowers, tractors, utility vehicles, hay and farm implements, and construction equipment. Special financing is also available through the Kubota Credit Corp. Call (770) 867-3179 to ask about their equipment, or view their inventory online.
