
Every homeowner who relies on a septic system to process their waste understands that it requires special care to keep it operating efficiently. However, not everyone knows the connection between septic maintenance and their laundry. Here’s what you should know to prevent issues.

How Laundry Impacts Septic Systems

On average, washing machines require 20 to 30 gallons of water per load. All of this liquid ends up in the septic tank for processing.

When there’s too much water for the tank to process, it can't separate the sludge and scum, causing clogs in the system. It also floods the leach field because too much water is draining before being absorbed by the surrounding soil. A flooded leach field prevents the tank from releasing any more waste, causing it to back up through the plumbing and into the home.

Septic MaintenanceThe chemicals in laundry detergent pose another threat. Powdered cleaners have clay in them, which can cause solids to build up inside the tank.

Liquid detergents that contain phosphate can be problematic. While this product effectively sanitizes clothes, it’s unsuitable for the bacteria within the tank. The bacteria break down the waste in the tank, and when these cleaners throw off the balance, the system can’t process waste efficiently.

How to Protect Septic Systems

There are simple septic maintenance solutions to protect the system while doing laundry. To avoid flooding the tank and leach field, always run a full load and avoid running multiple cycles on the same day. Spreading the task out over the week minimizes the amount of water entering the tank at once.

If the washing machine is more than ten years old, consider upgrading to a new model. Most new washing machines are more energy-efficient and use less water while still cleaning clothes efficiently.

For the detergent, use a liquid cleaner that’s marked as biodegradable on the label. This product is less likely to affect the balance of bacteria. Only use the recommended amount since pouring excess detergent into the machine makes problems more likely.


If you’re experiencing issues with your system, contact the septic maintenance experts at Abrahamson Septic in Preston, CT. This family-owned and -operated company has served homeowners for over 50 years. They have the experience and training needed to diagnose any issues and provide fast and reliable repairs. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (860) 889-7939 to request an estimate.