
As a business owner, you know how important it is to stay within your budget. You might also know that forgoing essential services like warehousing in an effort to save a buck or two can end up costing you in the long run. Here are just a few of the many great things the right logistics company can provide your business. 

How Warehousing Can Help Small Businesses

1. Safeguard Perishable & Delicate Items

If your business regularly deals with perishable items, such as food, proper storage is crucial to avoid costly spoilage or breakage. Even worse, food spoilage can make your customers ill, which may result in liability issues. A skilled logistics company will have the equipment and knowledge to safely store perishable items as well as live plants, medications, and other delicate goods. 

2. Ensure Accurate Order Filling & Distribution

The bigger your small business grows, the more complex your order filling and distribution process will be. Your staff must not only select the right items for shipment, but they must also ensure shipments arrive on time so that you don’t risk losing customers to your competitors.

Working with a warehousing company takes the pressure off your staff, whose strengths can be directed elsewhere. It also ensures your customers receive their shipments when they’re expected and not a day later. 

3. Save Money on Transportation

warehousingIf you don’t work with a logistics company that also offers trucking service, you have two options. Either you rely on your staff to use personal vehicles to make deliveries, or you need to invest in your own fleet, which may be cost-prohibitive.

It may also land you in trouble if you fail to follow trucking regulations or secure the right insurance coverage for your fleet. A professional trucking company will have all the proper measures in place to make runs on your behalf, which saves a great deal of money for your business. 


If you’re ready to take advantage of warehousing services, choose a company that will exceed your expectations. With more than five decades of experience in the logistics industry, Tri Isle provides essential services to businesses throughout Wailuku, HI. With a whopping 170,000 square feet of warehouse space at their disposal, you’ll always know they can make room for your business. They also provide essential transportation assistance thanks to their fleet of trucks, trailers, flatbeds, and more. Visit the website to learn more about their services or call (808) 244-1800 to speak to a team member about your company’s needs. 
