
Hypnotherapy is a popular alternative treatment for phobias, physical and mental conditions, and challenging side effects. Patients often have several questions when they book their first session. Understanding what to expect and how to prepare has many benefits, and you can start by using the helpful guide below.

How Does It Work?

Hypnotherapy focuses on inducing a trance-like state. Patients are fully aware, and the heightened focus and deep relaxation help them concentrate on an existing problem. The hypnotherapist will guide them toward solutions so that the patient can make positive changes.

It’s considered an adjunct therapy used alongside primary care. Patients use it to overcome addiction and anxiety disorders or to improve sleep quality. Treatment may help cancer patients manage chemotherapy pain or pregnant women deal with side effects. The control is ultimately left to the patient.

What to Expect?

hypnotherapyHypnotherapists invite patients into a calm, relaxed environment. Wear comfortable clothing to relax and rest beforehand so that you don’t fall asleep during the session. 

The introduction is a great time to ask questions. The therapist will walk you through what they’re going to do and what you can expect after the session. They’ll also ask about the problems you’re facing and why you chose hypnotherapy. It’s important to be honest because they’ll use this information when determining the best course of treatment.

Once you’re relaxed, the therapist will induce the trance-like state. They may describe relaxing images in a calm voice or talk about being secure and comfortable. Each patient is different, and the induction process can take up to 20 minutes the first time.

There’s no loss of consciousness. You’re able to hear, speak, see, and move the entire time. The therapist will start by discussing your existing problem. If you want to quit smoking, they’ll suggest strategies and help you conjure visions of yourself succeeding.

They may suggest ways to face and overcome traumatic memories related to PTSD or help you acknowledge anxiety triggers and methods for realizing they’re not as harmful as they seem. The therapist will then guide you from the trance or allow you to come out of it on your own. Many patients feel awake and refreshed after and go about their daily routines. Anticipate going to several sessions while continuing to seek treatment from an addiction counselor or obstetrician.



If you’re interested in trying hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Works Wonders of Marietta, GA, invites you to book a session. These skilled professionals help patients overcome a variety of conditions and provide helpful counseling services. They make comfort a priority, and you can learn more about sessions on their website or call (404) 245-1530 to schedule a session.
