
All heating and cooling systems have the same process. Once a temperature is set, they cycle on to achieve the programmed climate. Then, they cycle off to save electricity. However, if an air conditioner or heat pump always short cycles, it will decrease comfort in your home, increase your energy bills, and lead to a premature breakdown of the system. Short cycling is common and has many possible causes, but most can be remedied through HVAC repairs

What Causes Short Cycling in HVAC Units? 

1. Oversized Systems

The home’s previous owners or a negligent contractor may have installed an air conditioner that's too large. It will quickly cool the residence and shut down. While it seems efficient, the constant temperature swings place stress on the system's components, which will wear down and decrease its overall lifespan. 

Since the system is oversized and not damaged, the only solution is to replace the unit with an appropriately sized one. 

2. Blocked Airflow

HVAC RepairOver time, air filters become blocked by dust, debris, dirt, and other unwanted particles. The clogging causes hot air to build up while preventing cool air from entering. In turn, the HVAC system overheats, causing it to cycle off.  

The solution is simple. Depending on the type of unit in the house, you should clean or replace the air filters every 90 days to ensure there are no obstructions. However, people with pets, allergies, or respiratory conditions should clean or replace their filters monthly. They'll remain free of particles and pet dander, which will improve the home's overall air quality. 

3. Frozen Coils

Evaporator coils absorb the heat in your home. In air conditioners, they create cool air, and in heat pumps, they generate warmth. But, under colder temperatures at night or during the winter, the coils freeze. The system won't be able to remove the heat, causing it to malfunction and deactivate. 

If you suspect the coils are frozen, shut the unit down and let the coils thaw. Check the filter, too, as clogs can sometimes cause it to freeze. Once thawed, rerun the unit. If the evaporator coils freeze again, the problem is mechanical and will require a contractor to make HVAC repairs. 

4. Electrical Issues

Corroded or loose electrical connections or damage to the control board can cause short cycling. HVAC repairs are simple, as contractors will tighten or replace the wiring or connections to have the unit cycle normally again. 


For over 30 years, Broken Arrow, OK, residents have relied on the experienced, certified, and insured contractors at County Line Heating & Air Conditioning. They provide installations, maintenance, and repair options that are comprehensive but still affordable. Their contractors also perform detailed inspections to ensure your system remains under warranty and providing comfort in every season. For more information on their services, visit their website. If you need your HVAC repaired, call (918) 455-3463. 
