
The holidays offer time to relax, reflect on the past year, and enjoy delicious food with family. However, navigating the holidays with braces can be challenging when you’re tempted by sweet treats. Keep your braces in top shape this holiday season with these four simple tips.

Top 4 Braces Maintenance Tips for the Holidays

1. Know What Foods to Avoid

Whether it’s a candy cane or homemade caramels, several holiday treats can damage your braces. Sticky candies are challenging to completely remove from the brackets, leaving your teeth susceptible to decay. Chewing hard foods can weaken the bracket attachments and even break wires.

2. Enjoy Treats Safely 

bracesFortunately, some sweets can be enjoyed safely if you take a few precautions. For candies and desserts, break the piece into small bites and soften it in your mouth before chewing to protect your braces.

3. Clean Thoroughly

During the holidays, it’s especially important to follow through with your oral care routine. Brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes in the morning and before you go to bed. Also, floss to get food debris out from between your teeth and the brackets. A floss pick may be easier to use to get under the wires. 

4. Address Discomfort

Whether you just got your braces or recently had them tightened, you might experience some discomfort. To manage aches, take over-the-counter pain medication and stick to your favorite soft foods, like stuffing, mashed potatoes, and soups. If the wires and brackets are scraping your mouth, use oral-grade wax to cover them.


If your smile could benefit from orthodontic treatment, consult the team at Oahu Dental Care in Pearl City, HI, about their options. Whether you need high-level orthodontic care or a routine teeth cleaning, these dentists provide compassionate and personalized dental care with over 30 years of experience. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (808) 456-5005.
