
You’re likely thrilled with your professional teeth whitening results. However, this new look isn’t permanent, as there are many factors that can diminish the brilliance. Here are a few tips to keep those pearly whites radiant.


Use a straw.

Many colored beverages, like fruit juices, energy drinks, tea, and coffee, are heavily pigmented and can dull tooth enamel. Use a straw when possible, so the liquid can pass behind the front of the teeth. You may need to switch to iced versions of your favorite drinks to enjoy them through a straw.

Rinse after eating.

Despite your best efforts, it can be challenging to avoid all of the staining foods and beverages. Always rinse your mouth after eating to wash away lingering pigments and residue. Use a whitening mouthwash for an added layer of protection, and keep a travel size bottle with you to rinse on the go.



teeth whiteningThe tar and nicotine in tobacco products will leave stains, diminishing your teeth whitening results. To maintain your brilliant pearly whites, kick the habit by calling a quitline, working with a quit coach, or using nicotine patches.

Treat whitening as a substitute for regular dental care.

Teeth whitening will make your smile look cleaner and brighter, but it doesn’t replace basic care. Everyday mouth bacteria can form cavities and erode the protective enamel, which leads to discoloring from decay and vulnerability to food stains. Maintain your regular oral hygiene routine to keep these issues at bay, brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing at night.


If you want more tips on how to maintain those pearly whites, turn to Preventive Dental Services PC, in Alaska. These professionals have provided high-quality dental care to patients throughout the Homer and Barrow area since 1997. The knowledgeable team will offer additional tips on how to preserve the whitening results or perform another teeth whitening treatment to give you the shade you want. Get more information about their services online, or call (907) 235-1286 to schedule an appointment.
