
When you want a custom home that fits the needs of your family, a team of experienced home builders can guide you through every step of the process. As you work on layout and design, the contractors will ask if you want an open kitchen that connects to dining and living spaces or a closed kitchen that’s separated from other areas. If you’re unsure of which path to take, here’s what to consider.

Open Kitchens

An open kitchen has minimal walls and blends seamlessly into dining and living spaces. This layout is ideal for bustling families or couples who entertain frequently, as it allows the opportunity to cook, dine, and relax in one social, lively area.

The traffic flow and flexibility of the space promote interaction within your family, easy monitoring of children while you cook and clean, or continual guest interaction in a relaxing, informal environment. However, with fewer walls, you’ll sacrifice storage space since there will be less room for home builders to install cupboards and cabinets.

Closed Kitchens

Home BuilderA closed kitchen is isolated from other parts of the home and is designed by a home builder to be a separate room. As a result, a closed kitchen is ideal for home cooks who wish to have privacy and no interruptions while they’re cooking. This layout is also perfect when you want more wall storage and don’t wish to have cooking smells and the sounds of appliances distracting individuals in other parts of the house. 

When designing a closed kitchen, remember that you may restrict natural light and traffic flow within your home with added walls. The space will be separate from the rest of the home, making excellent ventilation a must to eliminate cooking smells and steam created when you’re preparing meals on the stovetop. Before committing to a closed kitchen, keep in mind that the process of converting this space into an open concept in the future will require the removal of walls and fixtures. 


If you’re looking for home builders to construct your dream home, contact Langbeen Builders in Southport, NC. They’ll work closely with you to create a house that’s perfect for your family. To schedule a consultation, call (910) 547-4205, or visit their website to view a gallery of their work. 
