
When you’re experiencing a strong toothache or need to brighten your smile for a special occasion, you might not hesitate to head to the dentist’s office. However, it’s still important to see an oral care professional twice a year, even if nothing seems wrong. Here’s a look at why regular checkups are essential for lasting dental health.

Why Are Biannual Dental Appointments Necessary?

1. Stay Up to Date on Cleanings

With a busy schedule, it’s easy to forget about dentist appointments. During that time, however, the plaque-causing bacteria around your teeth and gums won’t be going anywhere. No matter how dedicated your dental care routine is at home, a toothbrush and floss can only do so much.

By sticking to regular biannual visits, you can make time for a professional cleaning. Using their advanced tools and techniques, the dentist will remove set-in plaque before it hardens into tartar, so your smile stays bright and healthy. Not only do cleanings fight against cavities, but they also greatly reduce the likelihood of gum disease.

2. Get Screened for Oral Cancer

Dentist officeIn addition to routine cleanings, the appointment will also incorporate a thorough screening. The dentist may use a small mirror, camera, blue light, and their own trained eye to look for signs of oral cancer throughout the mouth. By visiting the dentist’s office every six months, the chances of catching this cancer in its early stages are high, which is key to a successful recovery.

3. Voice Questions & Concerns

Perhaps a particular tooth is unresponsive to whitening products, or you’ve been wondering how smoking affects oral health. At a twice-yearly visit, you can voice whatever questions come to mind.

From there, the dentist will recommend solutions that are beneficial in the long run, such as flossing more often, making diet changes, or opting for veneers to repair a cracked tooth. You’ll enhance your education on oral care and keep your smile healthier for longer.


To schedule a dental checkup with a dedicated team, reach out to Lowitz & Meier of Cincinnati, OH. No matter what work is needed—from veneers to root canals—you can get it all done in this versatile dentist’s office. Their customer service has been acknowledged with a 2013 Angie’s List® Super Service Award, so you can look forward to routine appointments. To learn more about their skills, visit the website. Call (513) 521-8900 to schedule your checkup.
