
Private and commercial roadways are found everywhere on the map, providing direct access to local residences as well as shortening the time it takes to travel. However, while they may have some similarities, there are several differences when it comes to installation and maintenance. Ensure the proper level of care by considering the following and understanding the basics about residential and commercial paving.

A Guide to Residential & Commercial Paving

Private Roadways

These are usually owned and managed by a private individual, organization, or company. They may include a single residence or a plot of land that houses several smaller subdivisions. Whatever the case, the owner is the one responsible for installing a quality roadway and securing timely maintenance.

Asphalt paving is a common choice over gravel or dirt in that it provides an exceptional amount of durability. It’s easy to install and only requires a base layer of material to ensure sufficient support. Give at least a week’s notice for an install so that other residents can plan alternate parking.

Maintenance may include occasional asphalt patches to cover potholes and a routine sealcoating application. This protects against moisture and will preserve the integrity of the material.

Commercial Roadways

commercial pavingHighways and public suburban roads are two of the most common types of commercial roadways. They’re usually overseen by a local governing authority and utilize taxpayer funds to keep up with installations and maintenance.

They use asphalt for most of their projects because of its low cost and durable nature. Depending on the level of traffic, half or complete closures may be in order to perform an installation. Detours will be put in place to ensure drivers have an alternate route.

If there are issues after constant use, then local officials and paving contractors will evaluate the damage before determining the extent of the repair. In most cases, they’ll simply seal the cracks and install a patch to prevent further issues.


For your residential or commercial paving needs, reach out to James Young Paving in Orange County, NY. They’re a locally owned and operated asphalt paving company with more than 50 years of experience. Their contractors are fully licensed, insured, and bonded in several states and personalize their approach to ensure customer satisfaction. Learn more about their paving services by visiting their website. Call (845) 692-6998 to request a quote.
