
A car’s transmission delivers the appropriate amount of power to the wheels so that you can drive at your desired speed. As a key component of vehicle operation, routine transmission repairs and preventative measures are the best way to ensure you can drive safely for thousands of miles. Here’s a list of common pitfalls to avoid when driving, so your transmission stays healthy.

Why Drivers Need Transmission Repairs

1. Ignoring Warning Signs

A healthy transmission accelerates and decelerates the car smoothly, emitting a normal hum and minimal movement when changing gears. On the other hand, a malfunctioning transmission will produce strange noises when shifting, slip out of gear, or stall the engine. These issues hamper operation when driving, making them dangerous to ignore.

2. Driving With Low Fluid Levels

transmission repairTransmission fluid provides lubrication so that you can seamlessly change gears. It also cools the moving metal parts and bearings, so the friction from shifting doesn’t overheat or wear the components. If you’re running low on this liquid, you’ll notice performance issues, such as slipping out of gear, a revving engine that fights to maintain power, and a burning smell due to dry conditions within the device.

3. Using the Wong Fluid Type

Since transmission fluid provides lubrication and creates the power to change gears, each vehicle needs a specific liquid type that’s compatible with its components. Adding the wrong synthetic or organic-based fluid with the incorrect viscosity for your car will result in erratic performance. If you need to replenish the reservoir but aren’t sure which formula to get, consult the owner’s manual.

4. Towing Extra Weight

Carrying heavy loads in the cab and trunk or with a hitch makes it challenging for the transmission to maintain your desired driving speed. A stressed transmission is more likely to overheat and break. Reference the owner’s manual to determine the vehicle’s towing capacity and adhere to it by unloading what you can.

5. Performing Aggressive Driving Techniques

When possible, refrain from fast acceleration and slamming on the brakes, as extreme and sudden gear shifts will wear the transmission quickly. To protect the transmission, employ safe driving techniques, such as maintaining the speed limit, changing lanes when there’s an ample gap in traffic, and actively scanning the road for hazards.


Ignoring regular servicing is another mistake that leads to premature repairs. If it’s been over 15,000 miles since your last routine inspection, head to Quality Transmission Service in Anchorage, AK. These mechanics are ASE®-certified, and they can perform transmission repairs on a variety of cars, trucks, and SUVs. Get more information about their services online, or call (907) 561-8767 to request a free estimate.
