
By offering unconditional love and reliable companionship, pets become treasured family members. However, this can make it challenging to say goodbye when they pass away. One way to remember and celebrate all the joy a dog, cat, or other pet shared is with a monument befitting of their legacy. Here are several creative ways to memorialize them.

How to Remember a Pet That Has Died

1. Plan a Memorial Service

Just like you would with any loved one, you can mark your pet’s passing with a memorial service. Invite relatives and friends who got to know your pet intimately, and customize the occasion by asking guests to share memories or including favorite pictures in the decor. Hold the ceremony in a backyard, park, or another spot your pet enjoyed.

2. Design a Monument

monumentsA headstone or gravemarker can create an eternal memorial to your pet. With guidance from a company specializing in pet monuments, you can design just the right one. From sculptural replicas of your pet to pictures and inscriptions, the possibilities are endless.

3. Compile a Video & Photo Journal

Compile pictures and videos of your cat or dog into a journal to save as a keepsake or share with others on social media. If possible, place visuals in chronological order from when they were first born or adopted to the most recent images. You can add music, voice-overs, and other elements to make the journal interactive and engaging.

4. Write an Obituary

If you’re planning a memorial service that includes the unveiling of your pet’s monument, an obituary can tie the celebration together. Consider including details such as their birth date, how you found them, and whether they had offspring. Tell their life story with snippets about their favorite foods, toys, and outings. Then, share the obituary with attendees or post it online.


Since 1900, McGee Monuments in Rochester, NY, has helped families memorialize their dogs, cats, and other pets. This family-owned business has a team of artisans who take pride in creating beautiful and customized structures. Choose from more than 100 different designs with assistance from their caring and experienced staff. To learn more about designing a pet memorial, call (585) 546-4602. You can also review their services on their website.
