
A house is one of the biggest investments a person can make in both financial and emotional terms, and a fire or other disaster can be devastating on multiple levels. With this in mind, it's important to see a potential catastrophe on the horizon and take the proper steps, with the help of a licensed professional, to prevent it.

More than 5% of fatal residential fires are caused by electrical malfunctions, with faulty wiring nearing the top of the list. The licensed electrical contractors at Osterwisch Company in Cincinnati, OH have been keeping area homes and businesses up to date and in working order. Here, they share the following warning signs and ways to update your electric setup before it's too late:

  • Age of Your Home: Much like older plumbing systems, electric components built between the '50s and the '70s will not accommodate the demands of modern use. Even if your electric use is relatively light, your wiring components will have degraded since its installation. If your home is more than 30 years old, contact a licensed electrician to update your wiring.

  • Outdated Components: Several elements once in frequent use in electrical wiring have since fallen out of favor for their risk of fire. Check for "AL" printed on the wiring jacket; aluminum wiring was a common component in the '60s and '70s but has since been found to be at risk for overheating and sparking fires.
  • Malfunctions: An obvious sign of trouble with your wiring is malfunctioning equipment. If you find major appliances, like your water heater, going in and out or your circuit breaker constantly tripping, it may be time to rewire.
  • An Urgent Warning: If you have a burning smell coming from inside your home, it is vital that you cut off the electricity immediately and call a licensed electrician.

If you need to install a new furnace or make sure that your electric system is up to date, Osterwisch Company can help; they are licensed and experienced with electrical work. They are available online or at (513) 791-3282.
