
As an established industry expert for 25 years, JFK Window & Door often gets asked about the right time to replace entry doors. In response, the Cincinnati, OH door installation company lists these telltale signs to watch out for:

  1. Noticeable Damage: With time, doorways are expected to show signs of wear and tear, most of which can be fixed with a good paint job. If your Ohio home’s entry point looks visibly run down, you know it is time to get it changed. Be particularly wary of cracks and drafts on the surface as well as around the crevices. Drafts allow inner air to escape, making your HVAC work harder and driving up the energy costs. Additionally, the opening can get wider over time and let unwanted critters inside. In this situation, the only possible solution is to invest in a new door.
  2. Effects of Moisture: Since entrance doors face the outside world, they are susceptible to atmospheric moisture. Exposure to water is detrimental to wood, in particular, causing it to rot and lose its form.
  3. Warping: Extreme weather conditions, like high humidity or scorching heat, can cause warping in wood. This makes the door expand and drag on the floor when opened or closed. The change in size also affects the door’s ability to fit in the door frame, preventing it from closing all the way through.

Count on the professional consultation and door installation services at JFK Window & Door to replace your entry doors right on time. For a free quote, call the company's helpful staff at (513) 851-1000 or fill out the online contact form. The impressive window and door designs on the official website and Facebook page are sure to leave you wowed.
