
You already know that Hawaii Flooring Specialists in Honolulu, HI, is the industry leader as a flooring contractor for residential and commercial hardwood flooring projects.

Now, Hawaii Flooring Specialists is expanding its business to include a variety of flooring options. But what remains the same is the great customer service that clients have come to rely on. Hawaii Flooring Specialists now offers residential and commercial flooring in stone, tile, vinyl plank, linoleum and presidential carpeting on top of its signature hardwood flooring option.

Choosing the right hardwood flooring for your home or business can be a difficult decision. The expert staff at Hawaii Flooring Specialists understands this and will work with you to make the right choices by helping you understand the differences between floor types and styles and helping you identify the best fit for your needs. To get the process started, Hawaii Flooring Specialists offers a free consultation with their team.

Hawaii Flooring Specialists will do all the measuring of your floor space, provide samples to choose from, then complete the installation with care and precision to stay within your timeline, and most important, your budget.

Even after your new flooring is installed, Hawaii Flooring Specialists will stay in touch with you and follow-up their work to make sure you are satisfied with the final product.

To start your flooring project and experience the quality customer service that Hawaii Flooring Specialists have prided themselves on for more than 25 years, call them at (808) 842-7755 or visit them online to schedule your free estimate.
