
Under normal driving conditions, your transmission shouldn’t produce much sound. However, as with other auto components, it will often make unusual noises when it experiences mechanical problems. Keeping your ears open will help you know when to take your vehicle to an auto mechanic.

What Sounds Indicate a Failing Transmission?

1. Gurgling

Not many drivers expect to hear their vehicle gurgling. This noise usually indicates the transmission fluid is low. The sound usually surfaces when drivers shift gears because the low fluid levels result in extra air in the transmission lines. Since this fluid is needed to lubricate moving parts and to prevent transmission overheating, top it off immediately to avoid permanent damage to the system.

2. Grinding

Frequent whining and grinding point to an issue with the planetary gear system. This is what allows drivers in automatic vehicles to change gears without engaging or disengaging the clutch. This rumbling noise, which often sounds like metal scraping against metal, typically results from cracked or chipped gears. 

3. Whining

transmissionAlternatively, high-pitched whining is more likely to occur with manual cars. It happens when shifting gears or going into reverse and may indicate a filter clog. Since a blocked filter will prevent transmission fluid from getting to its destination, this noise is often accompanied by a burning smell. 

If the whining changes pitch while driving, internal damage to the torque converter or improper mounting of this component is likely to blame.

4. Bumping or Clunking

Bumping or clunking noises when putting the car into neutral—or when shifting from neutral into drive—could result from issues with the torque converter mount. It could also stem from worn bearings or gear teeth. The sounds are the loose or damaged components bumping into each other, which is more likely when you change speed. 


No matter what type of transmission issue you’re dealing with, expect expert assistance from B G & S Transmissions in Lincoln, NE. In business for over 27 years, their team is dedicated to providing quick, efficient, and affordable repair work to help you get back on the road. To learn more about their transmission repair services, visit them online. Call (402) 435-3637 to schedule an appointment.
