
The start of the New Year is the perfect opportunity to determine what lifestyle changes will be made to see an overall improvement in health, well-being, and happiness. Among the resolutions, proper dental care should be included. Total Health Dentistry, the dental center in Cold Springs, KY, that offers everything from dental exams to implants, is here to help readers determine a few ways to keep cavities away this upcoming year.

Dental professionals recommend both children and adults visit their dentist for a dental exam once every six months. With the busyness of daily life, it is easy for people to forget the importance of dental appointments. Schedule dental exams at the beginning of the year with Total Health Dentistry to ensure teeth will get the proper checkup and cleaning they need.  

For the most part, everyone remembers to brush their teeth on a daily basis and floss occasionally. But rather than the occasional flossing, make it a habit on a daily basis. This will prevent bad breath, plaque buildup, and other harmful bacteria from taking over the mouth. To really see an improvement in dental health this New Year, drink teeth-staining beverages likes red wine and coffee in moderation. Also, it is beneficial to make it a point to cut out excess amounts of sugary treats and processed foods to prevent tooth decay.

To schedule a dental exam with Total Health Dentistry, call the dental team today at (859) 441-1230. For more information on all of their services including root canals, tooth fillings, and more, visit their website and like them on Facebook.
