
Not every issue with eyesight can be fixed with glasses, contact lenses, or patching. Some visual conditions run deeper, and the staff at Allens Creek Family Optometry of Rochester, NY works to help their patients see better through a program called Vision Therapy. This likely isn't the first thing you think of when planning a trip to the eye doctor, though, so Allens Creek Family Optometry is here to explain what Vision Therapy is, as well as how it can help with vision problems.

The first thing the staff at Allens Creek Family Optometry will do is evaluate the visual and motor skill level of each particular patient. Everyone is different, so it's important to see what specific needs must be met through the application of Vision Therapy. Individual sessions include procedures that will hopefully enhance the brain's ability to control a variety of functions, including:

Eye alignment

• Eye teaming

• Eye focusing abilities

• Eye movements

• Visual processing

The types of patients who will benefit from Vision Therapy include those with: 

  • Learning-related vision problems 
  • Stress-related vision problems 
  • Special needs requiring visual rehabilitation 
  • Poor binocular coordination 
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye) 
  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes or wandering eye).

If you or someone you know is having vision problems due to one of these conditions or requires assistance with their visual motor skills, Allens Creek Family Optometry can help. They will conduct an evaluation and determine where to go from there. You can head to their website or call them at (585)-461-6225 for more information on Vision Therapy and the many other services they offer.
