
Fillings are the most typical solution for cavities. Made of metal, resin, porcelain, or glass, your dentist places fillings inside the decayed portions of your teeth to restore normal function and prevent infection from spreading. However, fillings are prone to breaking and deteriorating themselves. Since they're imperative for maintaining dental health, you should know how to keep them in good shape for as long as possible. 

How to Extend the Life Span of Fillings

1. Avoid Sugar & Acid 

Acids, which are common in citric fruits and drinks like wine and coffee, can wear down both enamel and fillings. Sugar is food for the bacteria that produce the kind of acid that leads to infection and cavities.

Not only do these substances cause tooth erosion, but more of the fillings may also be exposed, leaving them more vulnerable to damage. Focus on foods and drinks that strengthen and clean teeth, such as apples, strawberries, celery, cheese, yogurt, and water. 

2. Don't Stress Teeth 

Whatever you eat, emphasize soft options. Ice cubes and similarly hard foods may crack your teeth and the fillings in your cavities. For the same reason, refrain from chewing on items like pens and pencils. 

3. Have Good Hygiene 

cavitiesEven with the protection of fillings, you still need to brush your teeth twice every day to keep them healthy and whole. The same goes for daily flossing.

Proper dental care will also prevent additional decay and gingivitis, which can lead to gum recession and tooth loosening. Antibacterial mouthwash will help rid your mouth of harmful germs as well. 

4. Quit Tobacco 

Smoking or chewing tobacco can harm your health in many ways, including increasing the chances of fillings falling out. This is especially true if your body creates an enzyme that detaches fillings from teeth. If you use tobacco, consider this one more reason to quit. 

5. Visit Your Dentist 

Get a checkup with a dentist every six months. They’ll examine your fillings and resolve any toothaches that could indicate a problem with them. They'll also tell you if it's time to replace them, but if you follow these guidelines, that won't happen for at least a decade or two. 


Whenever you need to check or update the fillings in your cavities, go to High Point Smile Dentistry in North Carolina. With expertise in many effective dental care techniques, their staff will use state-of-the-art materials and technology to make your teeth look as healthy and beautiful as they deserve. They're also committed to providing education and advice that will help you continue smiling confidently. To check their availability, call them today at (336) 884-4000. Learn more about the practice online
