
For some people, public speaking comes naturally, but many others struggle to feel comfortable in front of crowds. If you have a fear of speaking publicly, hypnosis can help you feel more at ease while giving presentations or attending virtual meetings. Here’s more information about how the process works and its potential benefits. 

Why Do People Fear Public Speaking?

People may struggle with public speaking for several reasons. The fear of saying something wrong, seeming unintelligent, or freezing and not being able to speak at all are a few common points of anxiety.

Negative thought patterns like these can have a significant impact on your ability to give school, work, or video presentations.

How Can Hypnosis Help With Public Speaking?

hypnosisHypnosis involves putting a person into a trance state to affect positive changes in thinking and behavior.  In this subconscious state, your therapist will make suggestions on how to change your thought patterns, which may help you respond more productively in stressful situations, such as public speaking.

Hypnotherapy can be particularly helpful for anxiety and stress reduction in the days or weeks leading up to school, work, or video presentations. While you’re in a trance state, your therapist will make suggestions to your subconscious mind, reversing negative programming by replacing it with positive thoughts and associations.

For instance, if you struggle with feelings of self-doubt, your therapist may remind you of your strengths and the qualities that make you feel empowered. To build confidence, they may also ask you to visualize yourself successfully delivering convincing speeches to classmates, coworkers, or conference attendees. 

As you practice for upcoming school, work, or digital presentations, the skills you learn in hypnotherapy will help you focus on positives rather than negatives.

Hypnosis can also assist with maintaining a sense of calm while responding to follow-up questions. When you feel at ease in front of others, you’ll have a better ability to focus and listen to the full question, pause to gather your thoughts, and reply concisely and informatively. 


Overcome your fear of public speaking with hypnosis from Hypnotic Solutions. This certified medical hypnotherapist provides hypnotherapy to help clients throughout Cincinnati, OH, relieve anxiety and stress. Call (513) 205-5669 to book an appointment, and visit the website to learn more about how hypnotherapy can improve various physical, emotional, and psychological issues. Gift certificates are available. Give the gift of life this holiday season-stop smoking sessions are available. Hypnosis makes it easier to change the things you want to change about yourself!
