
Contact lenses correct eye issues and reduce the need for glasses, and they’ve come a long way since their creation in 1888. However, due to the unique shape of each cornea, finding the right fit can be challenging. If you’ve experienced difficulty with ill-fitting contacts, consider getting scleral lenses. Here’s more information about this unique product and the benefits it offers.

What They Are

Scleral lenses were one of the first types of contact lenses to appear on the market, featuring a large, circular shape that fit neatly around the outer edges of the iris. This white part of the eye, also known as the scleral, is where the product got its name.

The only issue was the lack of materials for production, which led to the smaller, more traditional type of lens. These are sometimes difficult to fit to the cornea and can lead to corneal distortion or irregularities. Thankfully, modern technology made it possible to bring scleral lenses back on the market and offers a more precise method for design.


contact lensesThe cornea contains several nerve fibers, which means that having a contact lens directly over it can cause some discomfort. Since scleral lenses have a larger size, they allow the material to rest mainly on the outer areas of the eye, preventing contact with the cornea and providing optimal comfort.

The larger size also helps improve vision by allowing a tear fluid reservoir to develop under the material. This serves as a cushion for the cornea and provides a sufficient amount of protection that reduces strain.


Due to their gentle application, scleral contact lenses are common for those who sustain corneal scarring or irregularities after a refractive surgery. They can even alleviate dryness and promote healing for those who have ocular surface diseases. Additionally, the central positioning of a contact lens can prove beneficial for those with healthy corneas and high prescriptions, providing quality vision with minimal movement.


If you’re in the market for a new pair of contact lenses, turn to Cook Inlet Eyewear in Anchorage, AK. These licensed and board-certified opticians will fit you for lenses to make sure they’re as comfortable as possible. Get more information about their services online, or call (907) 276-1021 to request an appointment.
