
As your child grows and develops, you should pay attention to their vision and eye health. Most eye conditions and vision problems can be treated if they are found early, which is why routine exams are encouraged. In addition to regular checkups with an eye doctor, you can support healthy eye care for your little one by following these tips.

How to Foster Healthy Vision In Children

1. Limited Screen Time

Screen media use is so common that even children younger than 18 months are exposed to it. As children age, they’ll use digital devices for reading, writing, and playing. However, the blue light from screens can cause eye strain and has been tied to early myopia, or near-sightedness. ​​

Teach your child to rest their eyes for 20 minutes after every 20 minutes of screen time. Doing so relaxes eye muscles, prevents eye strain, and discourages fixation on digital devices.

2. Healthy Diet

eye doctorFruits and vegetables rich in the vitamins lutein and zeaxanthin help protect eyes from damage caused by the unstable atoms in the body that contribute to premature illness and aging. Foods such as spinach, egg yolk, and orange juice have anti-inflammatory properties and support eye health. Lutein, in particular, has been shown to prevent macular disease

3. Protection From the Sun

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can negatively affect a child’s eyes in much the same way it can impact their skin. As your child ages, UV radiation in their eyes can build up, contributing to inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, and gradual degeneration of the retina. Have your child wear sunglasses or hats during the day to block the sun’s damaging rays.


If you need a pediatric eye doctor in Anchorage, AK, make an appointment for your child with Northern Lights Eye Care. Their eye doctors have provided state-of-the-art care to patients of all ages for almost 15 years. Call (907) 276-3937 to schedule a visit or check out their website to learn more about their services.
