
When choosing between cement and concrete for a project, the decision may not be straightforward. While many people mistakenly refer to these materials interchangeably, they're not the same. Learn more about their contents and uses below to understand their differences and make the best selection.


Cement is a binding substance chemically manufactured from a range of materials, such as chalk, clay, iron ore, limestone, and sand. These materials are crushed, dried, heated, and ground into a fine powder. As an adhesive, cement is never used independently, but it is one ingredient used to create concrete.

concreteIt's also used as an adhesive in mortar, stucco, and tile. When added to one of these products, cement sets, hardens, and adheres to the aggregate, creating structures often used in construction.


Concrete is a composite material made from fine and coarse aggregate bonded together by cement. Once mixed with cement and water, concrete becomes a malleable substance that can be configured into almost any shape or structure.

Concrete is often incorporated into buildings and used as support beams, pipes, walkways, and patio pavers. It's exceptionally durable and can last decades, and there are many types from which consumers can choose. For example, it’s available in colored, stamped, and high-performance varieties. Colored and stamped concrete are used for decorative projects, such as patios and walkways, while HPC is often applied to create structures, such as tunnels and bridges.


If you need concrete for your project in Windham, CT, contact Builder's Concrete East. Their team has provided ready-mixed concrete for various uses for more than 50 years. They can create mixes based on your project's unique specifications and deadlines, and they also offer additional materials, such as stone and gravel. Call (860) 456-4111 to place an order today, or visit their website to learn more about their products.
