
Whether they're under the influence or simply in a rush, reckless drivers put their passengers, pedestrians, and other motorists at serious risk. That's why, if you're caught speeding, swerving, or driving in a way that could endanger those around you, you could face a reckless driving charge. To learn more about this offense before meeting with a defense attorney, review these frequently asked questions.

What You Should Know About Reckless Driving

What are some examples of reckless driving?

While speeding is the most common example of reckless driving, it's certainly not the only reason for this charge. You may be ticketed for running a red light, changing lanes without using your turn signal, or ignoring stop or yield signs. You could also be charged with reckless driving for passing a stopped school bus or neglecting safety laws, such as transporting a baby without a car seat or letting a passenger ride in your truck bed.

What are the penalties for reckless driving in Alabama?

Defense attorneyIn Alabama, reckless driving registers as a criminal case. While not a felony, first and subsequent convictions are considered misdemeanors. An initial conviction will result in anywhere from five to 90 days in jail and fines of up to $500. Second and subsequent convictions will increase jail time to between 10 days and six months.

How will a reckless driving charge affect my license?

Each reckless driving conviction will add six points to your driver's license. After 12 points are accumulated in two years, Alabama law requires licenses to be suspended for 60 days. However, reckless drivers may also receive suspensions after their first conviction, and second convictions usually feature suspensions of up to six months.

What can I do to retrieve my license?

If you're hoping to contest your license suspension, you'll need to schedule a hearing with the Department of Public Safety. If they accept your request, you'll be required to complete traffic courses to lower the number of points on your license. You may also be able to prevent your license suspension by working with a defense attorney to get the charges diminished or dismissed.


If you’re facing a reckless driving charge, reach out to Angela L Walker PC Law Office. Based in Foley, AL, this criminal defense attorney has two decades of experiencing fighting for the rights of her clients. Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or a felony, she’ll use her skills to further your best interests. Learn more about her practice areas online, or call (251) 970-2575 to schedule a consultation.
