
If you’re looking for a permanent solution for missing teeth, dental implants are among the most effective options. They improve the appearance of your smile while also supporting the structure and function of your mouth and gums. Here, learn more about dental implants and why you should get them sooner than later.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants consist of titanium posts surgically implanted into the gums. Artificial crowns screw onto the posts and resemble the color and shape of your natural teeth. They’re an excellent alternative to dentures, which are not permanent, and crowns, which require some existing tooth structure for attaching prosthetics. 

In the months following surgery, dental implants bond with the jaw in a process known as osseointegration, strengthening the jaw and reducing bone loss. Implants make chewing and speaking more comfortable and give you a fuller and more attractive smile. 

Why should you get them ASAP?

dental implantsWhen you lose teeth, your jaw’s bone density begins to recede. A weakened jaw can make dental implantation difficult since the bone cannot support the titanium rods. This is why you should have the procedure shortly after losing teeth. Though bone grafting to strengthen the jaw is possible, it requires additional surgeries. After grafting, it can take three to six months for the bone to strengthen enough to hold implants, making the process more time consuming and costly. 

Gaps in your teeth can cause the neighboring teeth to grow toward each other, closing the space and preventing enough room to insert dental implants. This could result in the need for orthodontics before implantation, which delays replacing your missing teeth and incurs additional fees. 

Perhaps most importantly, getting implants prevents you from feeling self-conscious about your smile. Scheduling the procedure ASAP means you won’t have to miss out on family photos or social events due to embarrassment over missing teeth.


When you’re ready to get dental implants, contact the team at Susan Kleier, DMD. This dentist provides solutions for perfecting smiles and making the teeth more functional to Lexington, KY, clients. Call (859) 225-1188 to schedule an initial consultation for implants, and visit the website to learn more about their cosmetic dentistry services.
