
Private water supply systems are an excellent addition to any home. Apart from increasing property value, private water sources save you money on your water bill by avoiding municipal water costs. Wells bring fresh, safe water to you and your family—so long as they receive proper care and maintenance. Regular water well inspections are crucial for keeping your well running properly.

What Are Water Well Inspections?

Well inspections are routine checkups of the water supply systems that get fresh and safe water from the ground to your tap. Certified inspectors can be contacted to check both your well water or well system. These inspectors will ensure your water well is running properly, free of damage, and is providing you with clean water at the tap.

How Do Inspections Ensure Water Well Quality? 

There are many aspects to routine well water inspections—one of the most common being a flow test. Flow tests measure the water output from a well system and check that the well and its related equipment, like the pumps and tanks, are working efficiently. Testing your well’s current water output against the model’s expected output assesses the performance of the pump’s motor, water pressure, and pump operation.

Another vital test is a water quality test—these can and should be performed upon request, and often involve water samples being tested by a certified laboratory. Water is tested to ensure it’s of the highest quality for drinking and is free of contaminants like bacteria or excess chemicals. These may alter the taste, smell, and appearance of drinking water. 

All visible components of the water well system should be inspected—whether they lie above or below the ground. From pumps, valves, pipes, gauges, and switches, consistent inspections will catch any source issues. Visible leaks, cracks, or any damages can be fixed to provide quality assurance. 

What’s the Importance of Regular Well Inspections?

It’s recommended that routine water well inspections are performed on an annual basis, whether or not visible issues are present. From pipe erosions, chemical imbalances, and microscopic bacteria, it’s critical to protect your well system from long-term or costly damages. 

Proper maintenance will protect the investment you’ve made in your water supply system. Inspections identify existing problems and allow for any needed water treatment or part replacement to occur. You and your family rely on the safest, cleanest water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. Staying up-to-date on inspections gives you the knowledge your well is working at the highest quality. 


Whether you’re in the market for a home water supply system or are due for maintenance, turn to Keen Well & Pump in Mount Vernon, OH. Servicing North-Central Ohio and the Mount Vernon area, these experts provide reliable, cost-effective well installations and routine maintenance. Give them a call at (740) 397-7336 or visit them online to receive a free estimate on any number of their services.
