
During winter, you likely rely on an efficient furnace to stay comfortable. However, since most furnaces are out of use for six months or more every year, it is challenging to notice when they require furnace repair. Below are several indications that you should schedule this service so that you can keep your family happy and healthy.

When Should You Call a Furnace Repair Technician?

1. Unusual Odors

When something damages the fuel supply of your furnace, the appliance may vent fumes into the nearby air, resulting in unpleasant smells of oil or gas. While minor emissions can dissipate quickly and are normal, you shouldn’t detect a constant odor. If you do, schedule furnace repair promptly, as the gas can create a hazardous issue throughout the home. As soon as you notice a persistent smell, turn off the gas supply and open your windows slightly to ventilate the house.

2. Difficult Starting

furnace repairAs furnaces age, they can take longer to start and heat your home. However, if your takes multiple attempts or fails to start altogether, there is a significant mechanical problem. The most common cause of this issue is damaged wiring, which can happen when pests chew through the cables. Alternatively, the thermostat may be sending improper readings to the furnace, preventing it from engaging.

3. Loud Noises

It’s not unusual for furnaces to hum or click while running, especially when they first turn on. However, any loud, unfamiliar noises or vibrations are usually due to a damaged component. High-pitched squealing is common when the belt or fan experiences damage, whereas a banging noise typically happens when something is loose inside. This happens because the high-powered air forces the metal components against each other.

4. Poor Heating

If your furnace isn’t producing enough heat, you and your family may be uncomfortably cold even though you are paying for warmth. Without prompt furnace repairs, this issue will considerably damage your furnace’s components and reduce its life span. Low heat levels frequently happen when your ductwork is allowing heated air to escape. This forces the furnace to work harder, raising your utility bill considerably.


If you need furnace repair, contact Echols Heating & AC in Akron, OH. Since 1989, these professionals have been helping homeowners diagnose and repair heating and cooling problems. They offer 24/7 emergency service if you are experiencing issues, and can even install new appliances to meet your needs. Call (234) 248-2777 to schedule an appointment. Visit the website for more information about their services.