
When it comes to warming up your home, your best options are using either an electric or gas fuel source. Installing the right heating system for your home, however, is dependent on several conditions. Whether you’re more concerned about efficiency, availability, or furnace repair and upkeep, here are some considerations to keep in mind when weighing your options.

Electric Furnaces


This type of heating system is equally eco- and user-friendly. Electric furnaces can convert your home’s electricity into heat energy with almost 100% efficiency. As a result, your system won’t produce greenhouse gases and other dangerous byproducts. They’re also less expensive to install and easier to maintain because this type of heating system only relies on wiring to heat your home.


While installing an electric furnace is straightforward, finding somebody to handle this type of furnace repair may be difficult. This is because contractors are required to hold an electrician’s license along with a necessary permit and HVAC certification.

Because its power comes at a higher price point, this furnace model is also more expensive to run. Electric-based furnaces can increase your utility bills because they use more energy to warm up areas of your home.

Gas Furnaces


furnace repairNatural gas heating is less expensive than electricity in most parts of the country, which can save you a considerable amount of money on your utility bills. You’ll also save money because gas furnaces produce heat at higher temperatures and are capable of distributing warmth evenly across your home. This furnace model is also connected to your gas line, so you’ll always have a constant source of fuel.


Gas furnaces can emit carbon monoxide as a byproduct of combustion. While typically this is not an issue, if the machine fails, it can produce unsafe amounts of this invisible and odorless gas. Keep the area well-ventilated, check the batteries in your CO2 detector once every few months, and schedule an annual inspection to ensure your heating system is performing efficiently and safely. Even with regular maintenance, gas-based furnaces only have a lifespan of up to 20 years due to corrosion and natural wear and tear.


As you’re deciding on the right furnace for your home, get in touch with Rochester Heating And Cooling. Serving residential clients across Monroe County and the surrounding areas since 1960, their contractors will work with you to find the perfect heating solution for your home. They can also handle furnace repairs, installations, and replacements, whether you choose electric or gas. Call them at (585) 458-3700 for 24-hour customer service, or contact them online.
