
Traditional rooftops are made of various components, each with unique functions designed to protect your home from the elements. Learning more about them below can help you understand their purpose and identify common issues, such as shingle damage, which may compromise the roof's integrity.

The Anatomy of a Roof

1. Decking

Decking makes up your roof's structure, adding a barrier between the supports and the protective outer layers. Typically comprised of half-inch plywood, the decking closes and reinforces the roof's structure, providing a stable bed for weatherproofing materials.

Leaks are the most common decking issue, occurring due to overflowing gutters and ice dams in the winter. If water seeps into your decking, it can result in wood rot, mold, and severe roof damage.

2. Underlayment

Traditional residential rooftops are comprised of two types of underlayment: the underlay membrane and the eaves.

shinglesThe underlay membrane is a protective coating made of felt and saturated with asphalt or synthetic fabric. It protects the outer layers against resins released by the wood decking and provides an additional defense against inclement weather.

The eaves membrane sits beneath asphalt shingles, further preventing water infiltration. While durable, these membranes can wear down over time, causing them to work less effectively or absorb moisture and potentially damage the decking beneath.

3. Shingles

Perhaps the most well-known component on a traditional rooftop, asphalt shingles provide the final layer of protection on your home and lend to its appearance.

Made of fiberglass and asphalt, this essential component can be found in various colors and is made from conventional or recycled materials. They're durable—lasting about 20 years with proper care and maintenance—but they can fall off, curl, or experience granule loss over time, all of which may expose your roof to water damage.


To keep your roof sturdy for years to come, contact Roofmasters in Galena, OH. With over 35 years of experience, their knowledgeable team provides reliable, high-quality services, including maintenance, installations, and repairs for shingle damage, storm damage, and more. Contact them today at (614) 404-6272 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
