
When considering your fertility preservation options, it’s best to do your research and consult an expert fertility doctor. Certain factors play a role in determining which option may be right for you and your family. Here is a more in-depth look at both processes so you can make an informed decision.

Differences Between Freezing Eggs & Embryos 

During the egg freezing process, or oocyte cryopreservation, mature eggs are flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen to pause their aging process. Eggs can then be thawed in a lab and fertilized via in vitro fertilization to create an embryo. 

In embryo cryopreservation, your fertility doctor takes mature eggs and fertilizes them with sperm using in vitro fertilization before they’re frozen. When the fertilized eggs develop into embryos, they’re flash-frozen for later use. 

Pros & Cons

fertility doctorFreezing eggs allows women more options to choose a sperm donor or allow for the possibility of a new relationship in the future. It also provides more control over the frozen material’s usage or disposal since only one person’s genetic material is involved. Additionally, freezing eggs typically costs between anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000, which is cheaper than freezing embryos at up to an additional $18,000.

Freezing embryos may be better for women who feel secure in their relationship and the parental rights of the child in the future. Because adding IVF and egg storage costs additional fees on top of the egg retrieval process, it’s best to be sure about your decision.

Making the Right Choice 

Choosing between the two methods is up to the discretion of the patient and her fertility doctor. Freezing eggs can be optimal if a woman is waiting to find the right partner. It’s also the best choice for a woman with major health issues like cancer, a family history of early menopause, or other conditions that may make conceiving naturally more difficult down the road.

On the other hand, freezing embryos may be better if a woman and her partner have a stable relationship and want to ensure they can have children in the future.


If you’re searching for fertility services from a compassionate provider, turn to Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute. Helping families conceive since 1985, this professional, caring team based in Honolulu offers fertility preservation, in vitro fertilization services, and a range of embryo and IVF monitoring services. To learn more about their fertility treatments, call their office at (808) 946-2226 or visit their website.
