
Labor Day as a Christian Holiday

By - Pastor Daniel Inghram, National Capital Bible Church.

Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. We view it as a holiday—cessation from work, a day to do nothing, to spend with family, to play sports or pursue activities that generally have little or no meaning regarding labor. Essentially, it is a meaningless holiday. Why do Americans celebrate this meaningless holiday? Why do we celebrate any holiday? 

The derivation of holiday is from Old English or the phrase holy day, a day set apart. The majority of our holidays come from Christian holy days, such as Christmas, Easter or Resurrection Day, or they are based on important historical events, such as New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day. Other holidays are in remembrance of individuals, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, or Christopher Columbus. As Christians we remember these days, because they represent blessings from God. But what is the special importance of Labor Day? Most people find the day difficult to identify it as anything other than a break from labor or maybe it signifies the end of summer. 

This means that we celebrate Labor Day for the wrong reasons. We celebrate Labor Day as a nod to man’s efforts. However, labor is honorable, it also is important to humanity, but why? Labor is a godly activity and one that God instituted during the creation week. 

Therefore, we should celebrate the gift of labor from God on Labor Day, a Christian holiday. God is the Originator of labor, given to the first human created when he was placed in the garden. Adam was blessed by God by being given a job—to serve and guard the Garden for God. God gives us labor so that we can honor God by serving in that job in a godly manner. As we work, we should be mindful that God has given us this labor as a gift and as an opportunity to glorify Him. Labor Day celebrated as a Christian Holiday has meaning, remembering God’s wonderful blessing of labor to us. 

The entirety of Pastor Inghram’s message can be heard on the National Capital Bible Church website.
