
Although it hails from Italy, espresso has risen to become one of the most widely-enjoyed coffees in the world, renowned for its strength, rich flavor, and versatility. As popular as they are, some coffee drinkers may be unfamiliar with how they’re made and consumed. Here are a few of the most common questions baristas hear from newcomers to this exceptional style of coffee.

An Introduction to Espresso

How is it made?

This drink is brewed by forcing nearly boiling water through a tightly-packed basket of grounds. The beans are ground finely to provide the proper resistance to water as it passes through. The resulting beverage is thicker, darker, and stronger than a regular drip coffee, with a foamy layer, called crema, on top.

What are some popular espresso drinks?

espressoA common espresso-based drink is an americano. This beverage combines one or more shots with hot water to make something that tastes similar to a strong drip coffee. Lattes can be found on most cafe menus, and they consist of espresso with steamed and foamed milk. Mochas are a great beverage if you have a sweet tooth—it features espresso with chocolate, steamed milk, and whipped cream.

Can you drink it plain?

While espresso can be used to make other beverages, it’s possible to enjoy it plain. However, many people find the flavor too bitter, so it’s common to add a small amount of brown cane or castor sugar to mellow the flavor before drinking.

How much caffeine does it have?

Due to the strong, bitter flavor and concentration in espresso, many coffee drinkers assume it contains more caffeine than drip coffee. The average one-ounce shot has about 64 milligrams of caffeine, whereas an ounce of drip coffee contains 12. However, espresso is generally enjoyed only in one or two shots, while drip coffee is usually available in 12-ounce servings for a total of 144 mg of caffeine.


If you want to try espresso plain or in a beverage, head to VigiLatte Artisan Coffee in Lahaina, HI. Their baristas serve hot and cold hand-crafted beverages, like macchiatos and cappuccinos, and they’ll customize your drink to your preferences. Call (808) 727-9687 to get more information about their coffee menu and business hours.