
The holidays are considered by many to be the most wonderful time of the year. However, even if this is a break for you and your family, having extra guests in the home means your plumbing system will be working overtime. To avoid any drainage issues that might disrupt your celebrations, plumbers recommend following these three tips.

How to Avoid Holiday Drainage Problems

1. Establish Flushing Rules

Since more people than usual will be using your toilets, there is a greater chance of clogs. Consider placing a list of items not to flush in each bathroom, which should include baby wipes, cotton balls or swabs, feminine hygiene products, and facial scrub pads. Make sure you have an easily-visible trash can in each bathroom for these items to go into instead.

2. Be Careful What You Put Down the Garbage Disposal 

It's wonderful to see your family gather around a table laden with delicious holiday favorites. However, producing a meal of this scope often involves leftovers.

plumberSome people assume a garbage disposal can handle all food waste. However, certain items can create blockages. Grease, oil, and fat, for example, may be liquid when poured from the pan down the drain, but can quickly solidify as they cool, creating a hydrophobic mass in your pipes. Pasta, rice, and bread all expand when exposed to water—meanwhile, potatoes can form a starchy, glue-like paste. Meat bones might not be able to be ground down by the blades or may dull them.

3. Get Drain Screens for Showers & Tubs

If you’re hosting out-of-town guests, your showers and tubs face a greater risk of hair-related clogs. To prevent this issue, plumbers suggest placing mesh drain screens, also called hair catchers, in all shower and tub drains. Check them about once a week while those bathrooms are in use and empty them when full.


In addition to the above, schedule a pre-season plumbing inspection to avoid potential issues over the holidays. The licensed plumbers at Wild West Plumbing, Heating & Drain Service will carefully examine your drainage system to ensure it’s ready for the festive season. Serving residents of Kalispell, MT, and the surrounding areas, the family-owned-and-operated company also offers thorough drain cleaning to keep your plumbing system clog-free. Learn more about their services online. Call (406) 752-1244 to schedule an appointment. 
