
When the weather is cold and uncompromising, your furnace keeps your home warm and cozy. However, like any other home appliance, it can develop problems, especially as it grows older. Whether the costs of furnace repairs are adding up or you are experiencing other issues, here are a few signs you need a new appliance.

 What Are the Signs of a Damaged Furnace?

1. Your Home Feels Uncomfortable

One of the first signs a furnace is failing is a cold, uncomfortable home. Over time, mechanical components inside of your furnace, such as the blower wheel, belt, or fan motor can start to fail, making it difficult for your system to heat air properly.

As a result, your system may run but then fail intermittently, creating unreliable heating. If you find yourself adjusting your thermostat throughout the day or manually switching on the heat, it could be time for a new system. 

2. Heating Costs Are Increasing

furnace repairOlder furnaces aren’t as efficient as they age, which can become more apparent as your energy costs rise. This is because the furnace will have to work overtime to meet your needs. If your heating costs seem to be rising, ask an HVAC professional to evaluate your system’s efficiency, and consider an upgrade if your furnace doesn’t live up to your expectations. 

3. Your System Keeps Breaking 

Most furnace problems occur in the last few years of your system’s usable life, so pay attention anytime it requires frequent repair. To track issues, keep a calendar in your utility closet of when repairs were ordered and what they consisted of. Start shopping for a new system when you notice you’re paying more for repairs than what the furnace is worth. 


If you find yourself with a system that isn’t living up to your expectations or need furnace repair, the team at Dockery's Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can help. With more than 37 years' worth of experience and a commitment to excellence in installing, troubleshooting, repairing, and replacing HVAC systems, they can help you to improve the comfort and safety of your home. Learn more about how they can help with furnace repair by visiting their website, or by giving their team a call at (706) 778-5304.
