
Tornadoes can strike with almost no warning at all. Knowing what to do and heading to a storm shelter as soon as possible can keep you safe during this frightening experience. Review the following guidelines and keep them in mind when you hear a tornado warning.


Seek shelter right away.

If you have a storm shelter or basement, get yourself and your family inside right away. Unfortunately, not all homes have basements, so you might have to take refuge in an inner hallway, closet, or any enclosed space that doesn’t have an exterior wall.

Grab essential items

Before taking shelter, grab your wallet or purse, medications, car keys, and make sure your pets are safe. Depending on the level of activity in your area, you may want to keep a tornado survival kit with food, water, a change of clothes, and other essentials ready at all times. This is usually easier if you have a storm shelter, since you can simply keep it stocked with the necessities. 


Park under an overpass.

storm shelterThis popular myth is extremely dangerous, as wind speeds underneath an overpass might actually be higher than outside. If you’re trapped outside during a tornado, park your car, keep your seat belt on, and duck your head below the level of the windows.

Wait until you see the tornado to take cover. 

After hearing the tornado sirens, many people assume they still have time. Unfortunately, storms can move incredibly fast and can be on top of you before you have a chance to see them. As soon as you see a warning sign of a tornado, get you and your family to the safest place possible.


For over 45 years, G & M Tank Co. has provided high-quality concrete storm shelters to families and businesses throughout central Oklahoma. They’ll handle every step of the process, from helping you choose a design to completing the final installation. They’ll make sure you have a safe place during the next tornado. Visit their website to learn more about their storm shelters, or call (405) 527-5342 to discuss your needs with a member of their team.
