
Originating as an ancient spiritual ritual, burning sage, or smudging, has evolved over the centuries to aid in a multitude of other practices. Whether you’re looking to tip-toe into aromatherapy or wish to remove negative energy from your home, burning sage can serve several purposes. Before you follow your usual smudging routine, consider the following four benefits of burning sage.

Top Benefits of Burning Sage

1. Improve Odors

Because of the fragrant smell released while burning, sage can be used when practicing aromatherapy. When used in a bundle with other dried herbs, sage can improve the odor in different rooms of your home. To benefit from your sage aromatherapy, light the bundle and waft it around your home, or let it burn in a fireproof bowl.

2. Purify Your Environment

aromatherapyWhile many types of sage can be used for burning, the most common types—white and white prairie—also offer antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. This means you can help cleanse your environment by burning sage to ward viruses, bacteria, and fungi. And because sage is a part of the mint family and gives off a strong scent, it can also naturally repel insects.

3. Help Ease Insomnia

Smudging is believed to help remove negative energy from your home, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep. However, studies have shown that sage may also contain compounds that will reduce the effects of insomnia. Garden sage can be burned to help the body and mind relax while also easing symptoms of anxiety.

4. Cleanse Negative Objects

Whether it’s a recent purchase you made or a gift you bought a loved one, smudging is thought to remove negative energy by purging an object’s history. Sage’s antibacterial properties are thought to not only offer physical cleansing benefits but also provide peace of mind by smudging the past.


If you want to take advantage of the benefits of burning sage, consult the team behind Niik Products, a natural company based in Albany, GA. For the last decade, these professionals have offered the products you need to care for your physical and emotional well-being, including vegan skincare goods free of harsh chemicals and bundles for aromatherapy. To learn more about their products, visit them online or call (229) 854-6111.
