
For homeowners who want an attractive driveway or paving material without the cost of stone or asphalt, it’s hard to beat gravel. Simple, economical, and versatile, gravel is a great way to pave an area with ease, but it will still require some basic maintenance to keep it in good condition and to preserve its appearance. Here are some of the most popular questions about gravel maintenance.

An Introduction to Gravel Maintenance

How are potholes in gravel repaired?

No matter how much care you give your gravel, one or more potholes are inevitable over time. Avoid simply filling in the hole with gravel, since it leaves the area weakened and a new pothole will soon develop as the gravel is displaced. Instead, widen the bottom of the pothole until it’s even on the sides. Then, place the coarse gravel on the ground with a shovel, compacting it with a hand tamper as you go, followed by a layer of mid-sized gravel and topped off with a fine layer.

How can you ensure that gravel drains properly?

If your gravel isn’t draining effectively, make a note of any puddles or slow-draining areas the next time it rains. If these are forming in the center of the paved area, simply add gravel and grade it until a smoothly-raised area has been formed. This will direct water downward into drainage ditches. If dams are forming along the edges of the graveled section, remove gravel from that area until water flows freely.

What’s the best way to remove snow from gravel?

gravelMany homeowners prefer to clear away snow in gravel driveways for safety and peace of mind. Unfortunately, using snowplows or other heavy equipment can cause serious damage to your gravel. Instead, use a shovel or snow blower to clear your driveway, and don’t be afraid to leave an inch or two behind. Gravel’s superior traction means that you can drive safely on small amounts of snow.

How can plants be prevented from growing in gravel?

Gravel’s appearance can quickly go downhill if weeds or grass are allowed to sprout through its surface. The first step to counter this problem is by regularly raking the gravel to clear away twigs, leaves, and windblown seeds that can use these as food for new sprouts. Second, consider spraying an all-purpose herbicide along the surface of graveled areas to eliminate any new growth.


For top-quality gravel at great prices, you can count on Ideal Supplies in Covington, KY. This local hardware store is pleased to offer a wide selection of supplies, including gravel, concrete, sand, lumber, and more. Learn more about what they offer online, or call (859) 491-6666 with any questions.